I love Oprah, I’ll say it loud and proud. She is delightful,
and remarkably entertaining. I am reading ‘Onward’ by Howard Schultz and there
is a section in his book called ‘Things I know for sure’. In every O magazine
Oprah writes a ‘What I know for sure’ article. I mean, it is hard to know
anything for sure, certainty doesn’t really exist. How do you even know that
you exist? Right?!
My thoughtful and intelligent roommate (#burlapsack2013, #mustachioandunclesam)
also asked me what I had learned about myself, and I didn’t really have an
answer. So I did some reflecting and came up with this list. So, as much as
anyone can know anything for sure….
Things I know for
sure after living in Cameroon for 6 months
My thoughts can keep me entertained during long
or unknown duration waits, but too much time alone with my thoughts can be
Regularly scheduled things that I can expect and
rely on are essential when I don’t really have a schedule.
There is a direct correlation with how much I
like someone and how many exclamation points they use on facebook. “MAKING
DINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!” Seriously, people?
Also, facebook is great for the first 30 minutes
when you are responding to messages and creeping your besties, but after that
it is just a mass of food photos, instagram’d babies and/or puppies, and ‘give
me attention’ status’.
Even if I have nothing absolutely pressing to
do, I still find myself making schedules on graph paper, tearing off the paper
and keeping it in my pocket.
I am the most satisfied, happy, and confident
when I feel productive. Which is probably why I was the most addicted to
extra-curricular activities.
When someone nags or tries to micromanage me,
all that happens is I never want to do anything for them ever again.
I fully appreciate how it is to have people
around me that ‘get it’. An X alum talking about the mess that is Piper’s, camp
friends to talk about staying above the sheets, or another Coady intern to talk
about this whole experience with.
Everyone deserves respect, but professional
respect is earned. Just because you think you know something doesn't mean you are correct when you are telling me the sky is red.
Critichie bites are disgusting and sore. But,
there is almost nothing that a bit of hydrocortisone cream and/or some
polysporin can’t fix. Though they may scar. FML.
My opinion on development is still mixed, to say
the least.
It doesn’t feel like it is almost Christmas when
it is 30 degrees and there are no apple cinnamon candles.
Just to clarify, I think a lot of people had
this vision of me living in a world vision commercial. I don’t live in a world
vision commercial, I live in a city. I take taxis, go to night clubs, and eat
at restaurants. I am yet to see a child with flies around their face in dirty
I don’t want you to tell me what you think I
want to hear, I want you to tell me the truth.
I am very happy to pay more, and get a higher
quality product or service. Happiness
doesn’t have a price, but if buying an overpriced bottle of tabasco sauce makes
you happy every time you use it, it is worth it.
And one more for good measure:
Putting on trousers is really difficult when you
have a hip injury.
There is a lot that I won’t get into detail on as I had a
lot of personal growth here, which is cool.
So, how do I feel about going home? Mixed feelings I
suppose. I am thrilled to get back to
the things that I once took for granted; like washing machines, hot showers,
being in the same country as my loved ones. Don’t even get me started on
luxuries like internet, my cellphone, being able to watch youtube videos and
listen to new music, and, brace yourself, to have an oven in the house again. I
am not discussing my food cravings I will finally be able to subside, but let’s
just say that I spent an embarrassing about of time loading the Istanbul airport
map to see if, and where, the Starbucks is (next to gate 219 past passport
control in the international departures terminal, if you are wondering.).
Nothing in the world would make me happier than to open a nice bottle of wine
by the fire at Hogan’s Pond, poking at said fire as often as I want, wrapping
myself in my snake camp quilt, and half listening to something I call doc-talk.
Never again in my life will I have a time that is so laid
back. My biggest challenge every day is showering in the glacier. I’ll miss the
friends I have made, my non-schedule, the ease of life here, the same 20 songs
that are played on repeat, boosters, the cost of living, and the food. I know
when I get home I’ll crave beans and puff puffs, kanjo’s omelets, and the white
bean place. You’ll probably find me wandering into Kenny’s (and after
slaughtering an entire pizza), begging for some fried irish in broken pidgin.
As of late I have gotten very nostalgic. I recently had the
option to head home earlier; and like a survivor challenge the offer to go home
got better and better the longer I held out, but I didn’t want to leave. Though
all good things must come to an end; so I’ll try not to be sad that it’s over,
just happy that it happened. In the meantime, I’ll try to figure out how
overweight my bag is, and I haven’t even been to the markets in Douala yet.
So, as this is my last day in Bamenda, it will also be my
last post in Cameroon.
Thanks to everyone who followed along on my journey, and
extra props to people who emailed or sent me facebook messages to check in.
I’ll be back home the night of Saturday, Dec. 14th, meanwhile I will
be at debrief in Antigonish. Just in time for X-Ring. Coincidence? I think not.
Cameroon 2013, I can’t believe I survived.
All my love,
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